Monday 17 October 2016

Chapter 12

Information System Development :- 

*Define system development and list the system development           phases.
*Identify the guidelines for system development.
*Discuss the importance of project management, feasibility               assessment, documentation, and data and information gathering       techniques.
*Explain the activities performed in the planning phase.
*Discuss the purpose of the activities performed in the analysis         phase.

*Describe the various tools used in process modeling.
*Describe the various tools used in object modeling.
*Explain the activities performed in the design phase.
*Recognize the develop programs activity is part of system               development.
*Discuss the activities performed in the implementation phase.
*Discuss the purpose of the activities performed in the operation,       support, and security phase.

What is System Development:- 
>System development is a set of activities used to build an                 information system.
>A system is a set of components that interact to achieve a                 common goal.
>An information system (IS) is a collection of hardware, software,   data, people, and procedures that work together to produce quality   information.
>System development activities are grouped into phases,                   collectively called the system development life cycle (SDLC).
>Project management is the process of planning, scheduling, and     then controlling the activities during system development
>To plan and schedule a project efficiently, the project leader              identifies:-
  *Project scope.
  *Required activities.
  *Time estimates for each activity.
  *Cost estimates for each activity.
  *Order of activities.

  *Activities that can take place at the same time.
>Feasibility is a measure of how suitable the development of a           system will be to the organization.
>During system development, members of the project team gather     data and information using several techniques:-
  *Review documentation.
  *JAD Sessions.

Planning Phase:- 
>The planning phase for a project begins when the steering                  committee receives a project request.
>Four major activities are performed:-
  *Review and approve the project requests.
  *Prioritize the project requests.
  *Allocate resources.
  *Form a project development team.

Analysis Phase:-
>The analysis phase consists of two major activities:-
Conduct a preliminary investigation
*Determines and defines the exact nature of the problem or               improvement.
*Interview the user who submitted the request.
Perform detailed analysis
*Study how the current system works.
*Determine the users’ wants, needs, and requirements.
*Recommend a solution.

>Process modeling (structured analysis and design) is an analysis        and design technique that describes processes that transform            inputs into outputs.
>An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a tool that graphically       shows the connections among entities in a system.
>Entities are objects in the system that have data.
>A data flow diagram (DFD) is a tool that graphically shows the       flow of data in a system
  *Data flows.
  *Data stores.
>The project dictionary contains all the documentation and                  deliverables of a project.
>Structured English is a style of writing that describes the steps in a    process.
>A decision table is a table that lists a variety of conditions and the   actions that correspond to each condition.
>A decision tree also shows conditions and actions, but it shows       them graphically.
>The data dictionary stores the data item’s name, description, and      other details about each data item.
>UML (Unified Modeling Language) has been adopted as a               standard notation for object modeling and development.
  *UML includes 13 different diagrams
  *Two diagrams include:-
    -Use case diagram.
    *graphically shows how actors (users) interact with the                       information system.
    -Class diagram.
   *graphically shows classes and subclasses in a system.
>The system proposal assesses the feasibility of each alternative        solution.
>The steering committee discusses the system proposal and decides    which alternative to pursue.

Design Phase :- 
>The design phase consists of two major activities.
  *Acquire hardware and software.
  *Develop all of the details of the new or modified information           system.

Implementation Phase :- 
>The purpose of the implementation phase is to construct the new      or modified system and then deliver it.
>Various tests should be performed on the new system.
Unit test
*verifies that each individual program or object works by itself
Systems test
*verifies that all programs in an application work together properly
Integration test
*verifies that an application works with other applications
Acceptance test
*checks the new system to ensure that it works with actual data.

>Training involves showing users exactly how they will use the          new hardware and software in the system:-
*One-on-one sessions.
*Classroom-style lectures.
*Web-based training.
>One or more of four conversion strategies can be used to change      from the old system to the new system.

Operation,Support and Security Phases:- 
>The purpose of the operation, support, and security phase is to          provide ongoing assistance for an information system and its            users after the system is implemented.
Perform maintenance activities -> Monitor system performance ->
Assess system security.
>A computer security plan should do the following:-
  *Identify all information assets of an organization.
  *Identify all security risks that may cause an information asset           loss.
  *For each risk, identify the safeguards that exist to detect, prevent,     and recover from a loss.

Summary :-

*System development phases.
*Guidelines for system development.
*Activities that occur during system development.
*Activities performed during each system development phase.

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