Monday, 17 October 2016

Chapter 14

Enterprise Computing 

*Discuss the special information requirements of an enterprise-         sized corporation.
*Identify information systems and software used in the functional     units of an enterprise.
*Describe and list general purpose and integrated information           systems used throughout an enterprise.
*Describe and list types of technologies used throughout an               enterprise.
*Describe virtualization, cloud computing, and grid computing.
*Discuss the computer hardware needs and solutions for an               enterprise.
*Discuss high availability, scalability, and interoperability.
*Determine why computer backup is important and how it is             accomplished.
*Discuss the steps in a disaster recovery plan.

Enterprise Computing:- 
>Enterprise computing involves the use of computers in networks,     such as LANs and WANs, or a series of interconnected networks     that encompass a variety of different operating systems, protocols,   and network architectures.
>In an enterprise, users typically fall into one of four categories

>Enterprise information is the information gathered in the ongoing   operations of an enterprise-sized organization.

  *Business intelligence.
  *Business process management.
  *Business process automation.

>Managers coordinate resources by performing four activities:-
*Planning -> Organizing -> Leading -> Controlling.

Information System in the Enterprise:- 
>An information system is a set of hardware, software, data,               people, and procedures that work together to produce information.
>Accounting software manages everyday transactions
  Billing software helps the company reconcile purchases with           customer payments.
>Financial software helps managers budget, forecast, and analyze.
>A human resources information system (HRIS) manages one or        more human resources functions.
>Employee relationship management systems manage                        communication between employees and the business.
>Computer-aided design (CAD) uses a computer and special              software to aid in engineering, drafting, and design.
>Computer-aided engineering (CAE) uses computers to test                product designs.
>Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computers to    control production equipment.
>Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) uses computers to            integrate the many different operations of the manufacturing            process.
>Material Requirements Planning (MRP) uses software to help          monitor and control processes related to production.
>Manufacturing Resource Planning II (MRP II) is an extension of      MRP and also includes software that helps in scheduling.
>Sales force automation (SFA) software equips traveling sales           people with the electronic tools they need to be more productive.
>Customer interaction management (CIM) software manages the        day-to-day interactions with customers.

Enterprise-Wide Technologies and Methodologies:-
>Some technologies used in enterprises include:-
  *Data warehouses.
  *Electronic data interchange.
  *Web services.
  *Document management systems.
  *Virtual private networks.
>A portal is a collection of links, content, and services presented on    a Web page that are interesting for a particular job function.
>A data warehouse is a huge database that stores and manages the     data required to analyze historical and current transactions.
>Web services allow businesses to create products and B2B                interactions over the Internet.
>In a service-oriented architecture, information systems provide         services to other information systems in a well-defined manner       over a network.
>A document management system (DMS) allows for storage and       management of a company’s documents.
  *stored in a repository.
>A workflow is a defined process that identifies the specific set of     steps involved in completing a particular project or business             process.
>A virtual private network (VPN) provides mobile users, vendors,     and customers with a secure connection to the company network     server.

Virtualization and Cloud Computing:-
>Server virtualization
*Provides the capability to divide a physical server logically into       many virtual servers.
>Storage virtualization
*Provides the capability to create a single logical storage device         from many physical storage devices.
>Cloud computing is an Internet service that provides computing       needs to computer users.


Enterprise Hardware:- 
>Enterprise hardware allows large organizations to manage and          store information and data using devices geared for:-
  *Heavy use.
  *Maximum availability.
  *Maximum efficiency.
>RAID duplicates data and implements duplication in different         ways.
>Network attached storage (NAS) is a server that provides storage      to users and information systems attached to the network.
>A storage area network (SAN) is a high-speed network that             provides storage to other servers to which it is attached.
>An enterprise storage system is a strategy that focuses on the           availability, protection, organization, and backup of storage in a       company.
>Goal is to consolidate storage.

High Availability,Scalability and Interoperability:- 
>A high-availability system continues running and performing           tasks for at least 99 percent of the time.
>Scalability is a measure of how well computer hardware,                 software, or an information system can grow to meet increasing      performance demands.
>Interoperability is the ability for an information system to share       information with other information systems within an enterprise.


*Special computing requirements present in an enterprise-sized         organization.
*Various types of users within an organization.
*Large information systems.
*Benefits of virtualization and cloud computing.
*Requirements for enterprise hardware.
*Backup procedures present in a large organization.


Chapter 13

Computer Programs and Programming Languages  

*Differentiate between machine and assembly languages.
*Identify and discuss the purpose of procedural programming             languages, and describe the features of C and COBOL.
*Identify and discuss the characteristics of these object-oriented         programming languages and program development tools.
*Identify the uses of other programming languages and program       development tools.
*Describe various ways to develop Web pages.
*Identify the uses of popular multimedia authoring programs.
*List the six steps in the program development life cycle.
*Differentiate between structured design and object-oriented design
*Explain the basic control structures and design tools used in             designing solutions to programming problems.

Computer Programs and Programming Languages:- 
>A computer program is a series of instructions that directs a             computer to perform tasks.
 *created by a programmer using a programming language.

Low Level Languages:- 

*Machine language is the first generation of programming                 languages.
*Only language the computer directly recognizes.
*Assembly language is the second generation of programming           languages.

*Programmer writes instructions using  symbolic instruction codes.
*A source program contains the code to be converted to machine       language.

Procedural Languages :-
>In a procedural language, the programmer writes instructions that   tell the computer what to accomplish and how to do it.
 *Third-generation language (3GL).
>The C programming language is used to write many of today’s          programs.
>COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language) is designed for   business applications, but easy to read because of the English-like   statements.

Object-Oriented Programming Languages and Program Development Tools :- 
>An object-oriented programming (OOP) language allows                 programmers the ability to reuse and modify existing objects

>Other advantages include:-
  *Objects can be reused.
  *Programmers create applications faster.
  *Work well in a RAD environment.
  *Most program development tools are IDEs.
>Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by        Sun Microsystems.
>The Just-in-time (JIT) compiler converts the bytecode into               machine-dependent code.
>The Microsoft .NET Framework allows almost any type of                program to run on the Internet or an internal business network, as    well as computers and mobile devices.
>C++ is an extension of the C programming language.
>C# is based on C++ and was developed by Microsoft.
>F# combines the benefits of an object-oriented language with            those of a functional language.
>PowerBuilder is a powerful program development RAD tool.
>Best suited for Web-based, .NET, and large-scale enterprise              object-oriented applications.

Other Programming Languages and Development Tools:-
>A 4GL (fourth-generation language) is a nonprocedural language     that enables users and programmers to access data in a database.
  *one popular 4GL is SQL.
>An application generator is a program that creates source code or     machine code from a specification of the required functionality.
  *often bundled as part of a DBMS.
>A macro is a series of statements that instructs an application how   to complete a task.
>You usually create the macro in one of two ways:
  *Record the macro with a macro recorder.
  *Write the macro.

Web Page Development:- 
>HTML is a special formatting language that programmers use to     format documents for display on the Web.
>XHTML is a markup language that allows Web sites to be               displayed more easily on mobile devices.
>XML allows Web developers to create customized tags and use       predefined tags to display content appropriately on various               devices.
*WML is a subset of XML and is used to design pages for                 microbrowsers.
>Two applications of XML are RSS 2.0 and ATOM.
>Programmers write scripts, applets, servlets, or ActiveX controls     using a variety of languages:-

>Web 2.0 allows Web sites to provide a means for users to:-
  *Share personal information.
  *Allow users to modify Web site content.
  *Have application software built into the site.
>Web page authoring software can create sophisticated Web pages      that include images, video, audio, animation, and other effects.

Multimedia Program Development:-
>Multimedia authoring software allows programmers to combine       text, graphics, animation, audio, and video in an interactive             presentation.

Program Development:- 
>Program development consists of a series of steps programmers       use to build computer programs.

Step 1-Analyze Requirements 
>To initiate program development, programmer:-
  *Reviews the requirements.
  *Meets with the systems analyst and users.
  *Identifies input, processing, and output.
   -IPO chart.

Step 2-Design Solution
>Design a solution algorithm.
>In structured design, the programmer typically begins with a           general design and moves toward a more detailed design.
>Programmers use a hierarchy chart to show program modules           graphically.

>With object-oriented (OO) design, the programmer packages the      data and the program into a single object.
>The sequence control structure shows one or more actions               following each other in order.
>The selection control structure tells the program which action to       take, based on a certain condition.
>A program flowchart graphically shows the logic in a solution         algorithm.
>Flowcharting software makes it easy to modify and update               flowcharts.
>Pseudocode uses a condensed form of English to convey program   logic.

Step 3-Validating Design
>Check for logic errors using test data

Step 4-Implement Design
>Implementation of the design includes using a program                     development tool that assists the programmer by:
-Generating or providing some or all code.
-Writing the code that translates the design into a computer                 program.
-Creating the user interface.
>Extreme programming is a strategy where programmers                   immediately begin coding and testing solutions as soon as               requirements are defined.

Step 5-Test Solution
>Errors include syntax errors and logic errors.
>Debugging the program involves removing the bugs.
>A beta is a program that has most or all of its features and                 functionality implemented.

Step 6-Document Solution
>In documenting the solution, the programmer performs two             activities.
   *Review the program code
   *Review all the documentation

*Various programming languages used to create computer                  programs.
*A variety of Web development and multimedia development tools.
*Steps in the program development life cycle and tools used to           make this process efficient.

Chapter 12

Information System Development :- 

*Define system development and list the system development           phases.
*Identify the guidelines for system development.
*Discuss the importance of project management, feasibility               assessment, documentation, and data and information gathering       techniques.
*Explain the activities performed in the planning phase.
*Discuss the purpose of the activities performed in the analysis         phase.

*Describe the various tools used in process modeling.
*Describe the various tools used in object modeling.
*Explain the activities performed in the design phase.
*Recognize the develop programs activity is part of system               development.
*Discuss the activities performed in the implementation phase.
*Discuss the purpose of the activities performed in the operation,       support, and security phase.

What is System Development:- 
>System development is a set of activities used to build an                 information system.
>A system is a set of components that interact to achieve a                 common goal.
>An information system (IS) is a collection of hardware, software,   data, people, and procedures that work together to produce quality   information.
>System development activities are grouped into phases,                   collectively called the system development life cycle (SDLC).
>Project management is the process of planning, scheduling, and     then controlling the activities during system development
>To plan and schedule a project efficiently, the project leader              identifies:-
  *Project scope.
  *Required activities.
  *Time estimates for each activity.
  *Cost estimates for each activity.
  *Order of activities.

  *Activities that can take place at the same time.
>Feasibility is a measure of how suitable the development of a           system will be to the organization.
>During system development, members of the project team gather     data and information using several techniques:-
  *Review documentation.
  *JAD Sessions.

Planning Phase:- 
>The planning phase for a project begins when the steering                  committee receives a project request.
>Four major activities are performed:-
  *Review and approve the project requests.
  *Prioritize the project requests.
  *Allocate resources.
  *Form a project development team.

Analysis Phase:-
>The analysis phase consists of two major activities:-
Conduct a preliminary investigation
*Determines and defines the exact nature of the problem or               improvement.
*Interview the user who submitted the request.
Perform detailed analysis
*Study how the current system works.
*Determine the users’ wants, needs, and requirements.
*Recommend a solution.

>Process modeling (structured analysis and design) is an analysis        and design technique that describes processes that transform            inputs into outputs.
>An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a tool that graphically       shows the connections among entities in a system.
>Entities are objects in the system that have data.
>A data flow diagram (DFD) is a tool that graphically shows the       flow of data in a system
  *Data flows.
  *Data stores.
>The project dictionary contains all the documentation and                  deliverables of a project.
>Structured English is a style of writing that describes the steps in a    process.
>A decision table is a table that lists a variety of conditions and the   actions that correspond to each condition.
>A decision tree also shows conditions and actions, but it shows       them graphically.
>The data dictionary stores the data item’s name, description, and      other details about each data item.
>UML (Unified Modeling Language) has been adopted as a               standard notation for object modeling and development.
  *UML includes 13 different diagrams
  *Two diagrams include:-
    -Use case diagram.
    *graphically shows how actors (users) interact with the                       information system.
    -Class diagram.
   *graphically shows classes and subclasses in a system.
>The system proposal assesses the feasibility of each alternative        solution.
>The steering committee discusses the system proposal and decides    which alternative to pursue.

Design Phase :- 
>The design phase consists of two major activities.
  *Acquire hardware and software.
  *Develop all of the details of the new or modified information           system.

Implementation Phase :- 
>The purpose of the implementation phase is to construct the new      or modified system and then deliver it.
>Various tests should be performed on the new system.
Unit test
*verifies that each individual program or object works by itself
Systems test
*verifies that all programs in an application work together properly
Integration test
*verifies that an application works with other applications
Acceptance test
*checks the new system to ensure that it works with actual data.

>Training involves showing users exactly how they will use the          new hardware and software in the system:-
*One-on-one sessions.
*Classroom-style lectures.
*Web-based training.
>One or more of four conversion strategies can be used to change      from the old system to the new system.

Operation,Support and Security Phases:- 
>The purpose of the operation, support, and security phase is to          provide ongoing assistance for an information system and its            users after the system is implemented.
Perform maintenance activities -> Monitor system performance ->
Assess system security.
>A computer security plan should do the following:-
  *Identify all information assets of an organization.
  *Identify all security risks that may cause an information asset           loss.
  *For each risk, identify the safeguards that exist to detect, prevent,     and recover from a loss.

Summary :-

*System development phases.
*Guidelines for system development.
*Activities that occur during system development.
*Activities performed during each system development phase.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Chapter 11

Manage Computing Securely,Safely and Ethically 

Objectives :-
*Define the term, computer security risks, and briefly describe the     types of cybercrime perpetrators.
*Describe various types of Internet and network attacks, and             identify ways to safeguard against these attacks.
*Discuss techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access and     use.
*Identify safeguards against hardware theft and vandalism.
*Explain the ways software manufacturers protect against software   piracy.

*Discuss how encryption works, and explain why it is necessary.
*Discuss the types of devices available that protect computers from   system failure.
*Explain the options available for backing up computer resources.
*Identify risks and safeguards associated with wireless                       communications.
*Recognize issues related to information accuracy, intellectual           property rights, codes of conduct, and green computing.
*Discuss issues surrounding information privacy.

Computer Security Risks:-
>A computer security risk is any event or action that could cause a     loss of or damage to computer hardware, software, data,                   information, or processing capability.

>A cybercrime is an online or Internet-based illegal act.
  *Script Kiddies.
  *Corporate Spies.
  *Unethical Employees.


Internet and Network Attacks:- 
>Information transmitted over networks has a higher degree of           security risk than information kept on an organization’s premises.
>An online security service is a Web site that evaluates your               computer to check for Internet and e-mail vulnerabilities.
Computer Virus
*Affects a computer negatively by altering the way the computer       works.
*Copies itself repeatedly, using up resources and possibly shutting     down the computer or network.
Trojan Horse
*A malicious program that hides within or looks like a legitimate       program.
*Program that hides in a computer and allows someone from a      remote location to take full control.

>Users can take several precautions to protect their home and work   computers and mobile devices from these malicious infections.

>A botnet is a group of compromised computers connected to a         network
*a compromised computer is known as a zombie

>A denial of service attack (DoS attack) disrupts computer access     to Internet services.
*distributed DoS (DDoS)
>A back door is a program or set of instructions in a program that     allow users to bypass security controls.
>Spoofing is a technique intruders use to make their network or         Internet transmission appear legitimate.
>A firewall is hardware and/or software that protects a network’s       resources from intrusion.

Unauthorized Access and Use:- 
>Unauthorized access is the use of a computer or network                 without permission.
>Unauthorized use is the use of a computer or its data for                 unapproved or possibly illegal activities.
>Access controls define who can access a computer, when they can   access it, and what actions they can take.
*Two-phase processes called identification and authentication
*User name

Hardware Theft and Hardware Vandalism:-
>Hardware theft is the act of stealing computer equipment.

>Hardware vandalism is the act of defacing or destroying                 computer equipment.
>To help reduce the of chances of theft, companies and schools use   a variety of security measures.
  *Physical access controls.
  *Alarm systems.
  *Cables to lock equipment.
  *Real time location system.

  *Passwords, possessed objects, and biometrics.

Software Theft:- 
>Software theft occurs when someone:-
*Steals software media.
*Intentionally erases programs.
*Illegally copies a program.

*Illegally registers and/or activates a program.
>Copying, loaning, borrowing, renting, or distributing software can   be a violation of copyright law.
>Some software requires product activation to function fully.

Information Theft:- 

>Information theft occurs when someone steals personal or                 confidential information.
>Encryption is a process of converting readable data into                   unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access.
>A digital signature is an encrypted code that a person, Web site, or   organization attaches to an electronic message to verify the               identity of the sender.
*often used to ensure that an impostor is not participating in an         Internet transaction.
>Web browsers and Web sites use encryption techniques.
>Popular security techniques include:-
*Digital Certificates.
*Transport Layer Security (TLS).
*Secure HTTP.

System Failure:- 
>A system failure is the prolonged malfunction of a computer
>A variety of factors can lead to system failure, including:-
*Aging hardware.
*Natural disasters.
*Electrical power problems.
*Noise, undervoltages, and overvoltages.
*Errors in computer programs.
>Two ways to protect from system failures caused by electrical         power variations include surge protectors and uninterruptable           power supplies (UPS).

>A backup is a duplicate of a file, program, or disk that can be used   if the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed.
*to back up a file means to make a copy of it
>Offsite backups are stored in a location separate from the                 computer site.
*cloud storage.

Wireless Security:-
>Wireless access poses additional security risks
  *about 80 percent of wireless networks have no security                     protection.
>War driving allows individuals to detect wireless networks while      driving a vehicle through the area.

Ethics and Society:-
>Computer ethics are the moral guidelines that govern the use of       computers and information systems.
>Information accuracy is a concern
*not all information on the Web is correct.
>Green computing involves reducing the electricity and                     environmental waste while using a computer.

>Information privacy refers to the right of individuals and                 companies to deny or restrict the collection and use of information   about them.
>Huge databases store data online.
>It is important to safeguard your information.


*Potential computer risks and safeguards.
*Wireless security risks and safeguards.
*Computer-related health issues and preventions.
*Ethical issues surrounding information accuracy, intellectual             property rights, codes of conduct, green computing, and                   information privacy.


s how encr                yption works, and explain why it is necessary

Chapter 10

Managing a Database:-

>Define the term, database, and explain how a database interacts       with data and information.
>Define the term, data integrity, and describe the qualities of             valuable information.
>Discuss the terms character, field, record, and file.
>Describe file maintenance techniques and validation techniques.

>Differentiate between a file processing approach and the database   approach.
>Discuss the functions common to most database management           systems.
>Describe characteristics of relational, object-oriented, and                 multidimensional databases.
>Explain how to access Web databases.
>Identify database design guidelines and discuss the                           responsibilities of database analysts and administrators.

Databases,Data and Information:-
>Collection of data organized in a manner that allows access,             retrieval, and use of that data.
>Collection of unprocessed items
*Text *Numbers *Images *Audio *Video
>Processed data 
*Documents *Audio *Images *Video

>Database software, often called a database management system       (DBMS), allows users to:

*Create a computerized database.
*Add, modify, and delete data.
*Sort and retrieve data.
*Create forms and reports from the data.

>Data integrity identifies the quality of the data.
>Garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) points out the accuracy of a           computer’s output depends on the accuracy of the input.

>Valuable information should have the following characteristics:-

Hierarchy of Data:- 

>A character is one byte.
*numbers, letters, space, punctuation marks, or other symbols
>A field is a combination of one or more related characters.
*Field name.
*Field size.
*Data type.

Maintaining Data :- 

>File maintenance refers to the procedures that keep data current.
*Adding records.
*Modifying records.
*Deleting records.

>Validation compares data with a set of rules or values to find out if    the data is correct.

File Processing versus Databases:- 

File processing system
*Each department has its own set of files.
*Used for many years.
*Have data redundancy.
*Isolate data.
Database approach
*Programs and users share data.
*Reduce data redundancy.
*Improve data integrity.
*Share data.
*Allows easier access.
*Reduces development time.
*Can be more vulnerable.

Database Management Systems:- 

>A data dictionary contains data about each file in the database and   each field in those files.
>A DBMS provides several tools that allow users and programs to     retrieve and maintain data in the database.
>A query language consists of simple, English-like statements that     allow users to specify the data to display, print, or store.
>Query by example (QBE) provides a GUI to assist users with           retrieving data.
>A form is a window on the screen that provides areas for entering   or modifying data in a database.
>A report generator allows users to design a report on the screen,       retrieve data into the report design, and then display or print the       report.

Relational, Object-Oriented, and Multidimensional Databases:- 

>A data model consists of rules and standards that define how the     database organizes data.
>A relational database stores data in tables that consist of rows and   columns.
  *Each row has a primary key.
  *Each column has a unique name.
>A relationship is a link within the data.
>Structured Query Language (SQL) is a query language that allows   users to manage, update, and retrieve data.

>An object-oriented database (OODB) stores data in objects
>Examples of applications appropriate for an object-oriented             database include:-
   *Multimedia database.
   *Groupware database.
   *Computer-aided design database.
   *Hypertext database.

>A multidimensional database can store data in more than two           dimensions of data.
*Sometimes known as a hypercube.
*Can consolidate data much faster than a relational database.
>A data warehouse is a huge database that stores and manages the     data required to analyze historical and current transactions.

Database Administration :-

>Employees should learn how to use the data in the database             effectively.
*Interact with database.
*Identify new data for the database.
*Maintain the database.

Summary :-

*How data and information are valuable assets to an organization.
*Methods for maintaining high-quality data.
*Assessing the quality of valuable information.
*Advantages of organizing data in a database.
*Various types of databases.
*Roles of the database analysts and administrators.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Chapter 8

Types of Storage :- 

Objectives :-

>Differentiate between storage devices and storage media.
>Describe the characteristics of an internal hard disk including           capacity, platters, read/write heads, cylinders, sectors and tracks,     revolutions per minute, transfer rate, and access time.
>Discuss the purpose of network attached storage devices, external   and removable hard disks, and hard disk controllers.

>Describe the various types of flash memory storage.
>Describe cloud storage and explain its advantages.
>Describe the characteristics of optical discs.
>Differentiate among various types of optical discs: CDs, archive     discs and Picture CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs.
>Identify the uses of tape, magnetic stripe cards, smart cards,             microfilm and microfiche, and enterprise storage.

Storage :- 
>Storage holds data, instructions, and information for future use.

>A storage medium is the physical material on which a computer       keeps data, instructions, and information.
>Capacity is the number of bytes a storage medium can hold.
>A storage device is the computer hardware that records and/or         retrieves items to and from storage media.

Hard Disk :- 
>A hard disk contains one or more inflexible, circular platters that     use magnetic particles to store data, instructions, and information.


Flash Memory Storage :-

>Flash memory chips are a type of solid state media and contain no   moving parts.
>Solid state drives (SSDs) have several advantages over magnetic     hard disks.
*Faster access time.
*Faster transfer rates.
*Generate less heat and consume less power.
*Last longer.
>A memory card is a removable flash memory device that you           insert and remove from a slot in a computer, mobile device, or         card reader/writer.
>USB flash drives plug into a USB port on a computer or mobile       device.

Cloud Storage:-

>Cloud storage is an Internet service that provides storage to computer users.
>Users subscribe to cloud storage for a variety of reasons:-
*Access files from any computer.
*Store large files instantaneously.
*Allow others to access their files.
*View time-critical data and images immediately.
*Store offsite backups.
*Provide data center functions.

Optical Discs:- 
>An optical disc consists of a flat, round, portable disc made of         metal, plastic, and lacquer that is written and read by a laser.

Other types of Storage Devices :-  
>Tape is a magnetically coated ribbon of plastic capable of storing    large amounts of data and information.
>A tape drive reads and writes data and information on a tape.

>A magnetic stripe card contains a magnetic stripe that stores           information.
>A smart card stores data on a thin microprocessor embedded in     the card.

>Microfilm and microfiche store microscopic images of documents   on a roll or sheet film.

>Various storage media and storage devices.
>Internal hard disks, external and removable hard disks, solid state   drives, memory cards, USB flash drives, ExpressCard modules,       cloud storage, CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs, tape, smart cards,     and microfilm and microfiche.


Friday, 14 October 2016

Chapter 7

Understanding Input 

Objectives :-

>Describe the types of output.
>Explain the characteristics of various display devices.
>Describe the factors that affect the quality of an LCD monitor or     LCD screen.
>Describe various ways to print.

>Differentiate between a nonimpact printer and an impact printer.
>Summarize the characteristics of ink-jet printers, photo printers,       laser printers, multifunction peripherals, thermal printers, mobile     printers, label and postage printers, and plotters and large-format     printers.
>Describe the uses and characteristics of speakers, headphones, and   earbuds.

>Identify the purpose and features of data projectors, interactive         whiteboards, and force-feedback game controllers and tactile           output.


>Output is data that has been processed into a useful form.
>An output device is any type of hardware component that conveys   information to one or more people.

Display Devices :- 

>A display device visually conveys text, graphics, and video             information.
>A monitor is packaged as a separate peripheral.
  -LCD monitor.

>Liquid crystal display (LCD) uses a liquid compound to present       information on a display device.
>The quality of an LCD monitor or LCD screen depends primarily   on.
-Response time
-Dot pitch
-Contrast ratio

>Resolution is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a         display device.
 -A higher resolution uses a greater number of pixels.
>The graphics processing unit (GPU) controls the manipulation and   display of graphics on a display device.
>LCD monitors use a digital signal and should plug into a DVI         port, an HDMI port, or a DisplayPort.
>Plasma monitors are display devices that use gas plasma                   technology and offer screen sizes up to 150 inches.
>Televisions also are a good output device.
-require a converter if you are connecting your computer to an          analog television.
>Digital television (DTV) offers a crisper, higher-quality output.
>HDTV is the most advanced form of digital television.
>A CRT monitor is a desktop monitor that contains a cathode-ray     tube.
 -have a much larger footprint than do LCD monitors.

Printers :- 

A printer produces text and graphics on a physical medium.
-Printed information is called a hard copy, or printout.
-Landscape or portrait orientation.

Types of Printers :- 

>An ink-jet printer forms characters and graphics by spraying tiny drops of liquid ink onto a piece of paper.
-Color or black-and-white.

-Printers with a higher dpi (dots per inch) produce a higher quality     output.

>A photo printer produces color photo-lab-quality pictures.

>A multifunction peripheral (MFP) is a single device that prints, scans, copies, and in some cases, faxes.
-Sometimes called an all-in-one device.

>A thermal printer generates images by pushing electrically             heated pins against the heat-sensitive paper.

>A mobile printer is a small, lightweight, battery-powered printer   that allows a mobile user to print from a notebook computer,           smart phone, or other mobile device.

>A label printer is a small printer that prints on adhesive-type           material.

Speakers,Headphones and Earbuds :-

>An audio output device produces music, speech, or other sounds.
>Headphones are speakers that cover or are placed outside of the       ear.
>Earbuds (also called earphones) rest inside the ear canal.

Summary :- 

*Various methods of output.
*Several commonly used output devices.
*Display devices, printers, speakers, headphones, earbuds, data         projectors, interactive whiteboards, force-feedback game                 controllers, and tactile output.